Live | Love | Laugh
– Live to your biology; live the way that meets your body’s needs and brings peace to your overwhelm!
– Love the skin you’re in!
– Laugh with the joy of understanding why you are who you are!
Ready to join this 8 Week Program where you will Live, Love, Laugh your way to the best version of you?

Live | Love | Laugh
– Live to your biology; live the way that meets your body’s needs and brings peace to your overwhelm!
– Love the skin you’re in!
– Laugh with the joy of understanding why you are who you are!
Ready to join this 8 Week Program where you will Live, Love, Laugh your way to the best version of you?
Are you still tired, unhappy, out of balance and unhealthy?
Life is full of decisions and choosing the right way to live for your best health should be easy, but what about all that conflicting advice, people telling you their way is better?
How do you decide?
How do you choose the advice of one guru over another when every method has its successes and failures?
I have a solution:
– What if you had a blueprint to guide you?
– Something based on sciences that have stood the test of time.
– Ancient wisdoms with modern technology melded to make your life easier, simpler and healthier, leaving you to feel confident, successful, fit and well.
Introducing the Live, Love, Laugh Program
It’s personalised, prescriptive and perfect for the person who wants practical and precise pointers for a pleasing pathway to health and happiness!
√ Fifteen branches of science including the measurement of your different bones and what that means to your body function, how food and it’s nutrients affect your body, traditional medicine knowledge, your ancestry, your hormonal makeup and your personal body clock.
√ One brilliant little app that updates with the seasons, where you live, with your body changes and with your moods
√ And me, to coach you along the path to bettering you!
- how to’s
- what can I’s
- when is best for
- why should I’s
are all covered in respect of your
- Food
- Fitness
- Lifestyle
- Mindworks
- Skills, Talents and
- Relationships

Ready to join this 8 Week Program where you will Live, Love, Laugh your way to the best version of you?

For up to 8 weeks we will be ‘Living Loving and Laughing’ as we step through some simple changes to reach your goals and fix those problems!
We will include:
- Goal Setting
- Weekly zoom catch-ups plus contact as required (up to 8 hours coaching)
- 12 months access to the online app
- Personalised food and exercise recommendations
- Personalised meal planning and shopping lists
- Lifestyle tips
- Tracking results
- Plenty of resources
- FREE cookbook
- FREE bespoke flower essence for emotional resilience
- All programs require an initial revitalise session