On January 15th 1996 I received my certificate and recognition to practice as a Naturopath. 20 years ago my heart sung as I realised a dream of practising natural or alternative medicine. Half an hour later I started to panic! I knew nothing of running a clinical practice and certainly nothing of running a business! Hubby came to the rescue. He built me an office to work from in Laidley, Lockyer Valley and gave me the courage and the pointy shoe to start!
I remember how nervous I would be with each new client coming through the door! What if I didn’t know what they were talking about? What if I had no idea how to help them? What if they didn’t like me? What if my office was too small? Not professional enough? What if they thought my prices were too high? Too cheap? Ah! How things have changed!
Today I know that all of that doesn’t matter. What you probably care about is that I care. That I care about how you feel. That I care about your concerns. That I am confident in my approach. That I speak your language and help you realise why I recommend what I do. That I have a good background in traditional and alternative medicine. That I don’t give you a list of changes that seems insurmountable and handfuls of supplements to take! That you can call me for further advice whether it be for general wellbeing, weight management, hormonal issues, depression or chronic Illness.
I trained as a Registered Nurse and worked in the public hospital system for 26years. I loved caring for people and was good at my job but found I was part of the sickness industry and a stream of paperwork. Handing out pills, rubbing backs and making beds was not the vision of health and helping that I wanted for the rest of my life. I studied natural medicine to fill the gap and began practise as a Naturopath. I followed that with a postgrad Diploma in Clinical Nutrition.
Any industry requires ongoing education to keep you current. I enjoy my study time! I’m fascinated by different studies and research! I am not a fan of Dr Google though! You do want to know who is behind research and have an inquiring mind, and read, be able to make your own decisions! Don’t rely on others all the time. They are not you! In 2001 I began studies to receive my degree of Bachelor in Health Sciences. That was another memorable time. I was very proud to receive the award and loved the ceremony, robes and good times!
Helping someone gain health is very satisfying. Being healthy costs money, as does being sick, and I have noticed that at times clients struggle financially to purchase products. I also run a side business promoting healthy living products and encourage clients to participate at wholesale prices. It is the opportunity to help someone gain health and make it affordable and an asset for them by spreading the health and wealth message to their near and dearest. It is my offering of health in a different way – less formally, less clinically and more affordably.
Here is a link if you would like to check it out 🙂 It will give you a $10 credit for when you order and link you to me. No fees or obligation to register and take a look. Please do contact me for further details though and let me know you’ve ordered! My products are free from any harmful or toxic ingredients. I have used them for over 10 years now in my home and love them. Click Here
I also invite you to review and like my Facebook business page I post studies, happenings and light-hearted things too!
and my Facebook group – Natural Medicine Room is an extension of my clinic. It is a friendly place to ask your questions, share health-related info you learn and understand natural health practices and perhaps meet and make new friends whilst on your journey to health, wellness and happiness.
I’ll finish up with why I think my business has survived 20 years and even flourished with winning a business award in 2015! More and more people are realising that the current medical model is not giving them answers. Awareness is rising that those packaged convenience foods you can purchase are costly to more than just the back pocket. Awareness is also there that you need more than just motivation to get you healthy. You need methods, foods and products that work. You need to know where they are made and under what conditions.
I have always run my business as a business, perhaps a little casually at times 😉 my accountant may suggest, but at all times I do strive to best practice for the customer and client. I have survived economic downturn by operating from home, by being available at out of hours times and by pricing myself appropriately. Most of all though, I think what matters most is that I love my work! When your passion, your clients and your abilities all match up, magic happens!
Thank YOU xx